Learn the Art of Bending Conduit

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Bending conduit is one of the most challenging tasks that electrical contractors undertake almost on a daily basis. An electrical conduit is a system of tubes used for protection of electrical wiring. It may be made of fibre, plastic or metal. Knowledge regarding the correct way of bending conduit is essential when replacing worn out electrical installations or when wiring a new building.

Conduit can be bent to fit plenty of angles, curves, beneath and above ceilings and so on. When it comes to bending conduit, the difficult task is finding the precise measurements and exerting appropriate level of pressure to create a proper bend. Use these tips to successful bend conduit for future projects.

How to prepare the conduit

First, determine the measurement of conduit you will need. Start measuring from the corner up to the point where the conduit ends. On the conduit, identify using a pencil mark the point at which the bend ought to be.

The next step is to determine the length of additional conduit needed for bending. Note that when bending conduit, a bit of length is lost when the conduit is curved into the bend. The extra amount needed to compensate for the bend is determined by the conduit's diameter. A half inch pipe takes up five inches of further conduit. You can use this to calculate for a pipe of any diameter.

Cutting the conduit

You will first have to cut the conduit to the proper size. Cut the conduit based upon your measurements and remove any burrs along the cut point of conduit using a conduit reamer.

Making the bend

First, you will need a bender that fits the size of tube you are using. Most conduit benders come with instructions regarding the amount of conduit that ought to remain from the bend up to the winding shoe. In case there aren't any instructions given, use the calculations you made earlier in determining the amount of additional conduit.

To make a bend, slip the conduit inside the bender and leave the suitable length past the arrow on the twisting shoe. Place the bender on a flat, firm ground and use your foot to hold it firmly in place. Create the bend by pulling the bender lever towards you. Apply a strong and steady motion while keeping your foot and hand tightly on the bender as any minor slither inside the conduit may result in an off-centred curve.

It is recommended that you slightly over-bend to cater for any potential spring back inside the conduit. Bend until the bender reaches the angle of the corner for which you are making the bend. Most corners in buildings are ninety degrees. If you were making a right-angled bend, hold the conduit up to a level surface to check if it is correct.

For more tips or assistance, talk to local electricians such as General Electrical Services.
