Why Isn't Your Doorbell Working?

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Your doorbell alerts you to people at your door waiting to come inside, but when it doesn't work, they have to knock. While this is fine, you may not hear someone knocking, and they could end up leaving thinking that you are not at home. Here are some common problems with doorbells, and how to overcome those problems. Some issues may require service from an electrical contractor, while others are simple and you can repair them yourself.

The Button

Often, when a doorbell isn't chiming, it has nothing to do with the electronics, and is simply because the button is sticking. Because it is located outside your home, the doorbell button is subjected to a lot of dirt, which can build up over time. To check for this problem, take the cover off and use fine sandpaper to clean the dirt off the contacts.

If you have cleaned the contacts, and the doorbell still won't chime, take the button off the unit. Unhook the wires (make sure the power is shut off to avoid electrocution) and touch the exposed ends to each other. If you hear the chime, then you know for sure that the problem is with the button, and it will need to be replaced. If you don't hear a chime, the problem is in the bell itself, and the entire unit will need to be replaced by an electrical contractor.

The Wires

It could be that the problem is simply loose wires in the transformer or the sound unit. Open the unit, and check to see if the wires are properly wrapped with electrical tape, and if any are frayed. If there are loose wires, you can tighten the screws and the problem is solved. If there are damaged wires, it is best to let a trained electrician take care of the problem.

The Transformer

Another reason why your doorbell may not be chiming is because the transformer isn't working properly. In order to check this, you will need to turn the power back on. You will find the transformer near your circuit breaker. Using a voltage tester, test the voltage by touching the tester probes to the transformer terminals. If you don't get a signal, it is a good sign that you will need to have a new transformer installed. Unless you are experienced with this type of work, this is definitely a job for an electrical contractor like Smart-Safe Electrical Services.
