Top Tips For Cleaning Carpet Soiled By Your Pets

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Toilet training a new puppy can be a frustrating, messy process. If your puppy has made a mess of your carpet, you'll want to ensure your clean it up to prevent longterm staining and odours--particularly if you rent your home. Check out these top tips for cleaning carpeted areas that have been freshly soiled by pet waste.

  1. Use damp towels or paper towels to absorb the pet urine. Cover the area with moist towels, weigh them down with something heavy that will not absorb the moisture, such as a few large cans of food or a brick. Alternatively, place a layer of cling wrap or aluminium foil between the damp towels and your heavy weight to prevent your weight being stained or moistened by the towels. Leave the towels for at least ten minutes to ensure maximum absorption.
  2. Place the urine-soaked towels in the designated area for toileting. This helps to reinforce the location and purpose of the bathroom area and helps your pet understand that waste elimination is a positive thing when it's in the right location.
  3. Rinse the stained area with a small amount of cool water. Pour from the outer edge of the soiled area inwards to prevent the stained area from spreading. Let the water work into the stained area for a minute or two
  4. Spray an enzymatic cleaning solution liberally over the area and leave for several hours to work its magic. Always follow the instructions on the bottle, as some enzymatic cleaning solutions have different treatment procedures. The enzymes will break down the proteins in the urine to prevent long term staining and odours. It will also discourage your pet from toileting in the same area again. Enzymatic cleaning sprays are available to purchase from most pet stores, or contact your local commercial carpet cleaning professional for a commercial grade product. Alternatively, you can make an enzymatic cleaner yourself using a mixture of brown sugar, citrus peels and water. However, this process will take three months.
  5. Repeat step one, applying damp towels to the area and weighing it down for maximum absorption. Let it sit overnight in this way. In the morning, remove the towels and you'll find that the stain and odour has disappeared. Isolate your pet from the area overnight to prevent further soiling while the towels are absorbing the last traces of urine.
  6. Consider hiring a commercial carpet cleaning professional If you are not satisfied with the results or if your carpet has older stains. A professional is equipped with a commercial-grade pet stain removal solution. Discuss the problem with a local professional, like those at Mission Impossible, prior to booking, to ensure they are capable of treating the stains to produce the best stain removal results money can buy.
