Various Designs You Can Deliberate On With Your Retaining Wall Contractors

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Perhaps you are looking to make the most of the land available on your sloped property for varying landscaping applications. Or maybe your property is vulnerable to soil erosion due to a steep incline. Whatever the case, retaining wall construction is a viable solution to address these problems. But while these structures may seem simple to build, the reality is that there is much more than meets the eyes.

For starters, if you do not choose the right retaining wall to suit your specific needs, you will find that you have to engage in additional construction down the road, which will be a waste of resources. Secondly, the wrong design increases the likelihood of these structures failing, and this could result in extensive property damage. To avoid these unfortunate incidences, this article lists the various designs you can deliberate on with your retaining wall contractors.

Sleeper retaining walls

Typically shortened to concrete sleepers, this type of retaining wall is unquestionably the most commonly used option in residential applications. This type of system is made up of horizontal walers, or support beams, that are attached to vertical posts. These vertical posts are then secured into the ground via concrete footings. Sleeper retaining walls remain the go-to solution for many Australian residences due to several reasons.

To begin with, this is one of the more economical varieties in the market, making it ideal for the homeowner looking to construct retaining walls on short notice. Moreover, the concrete sleepers take up minimal space, which makes them suited to properties with limited square footage available. The main drawback worth noting is that this type of retaining wall will not be a viable solution if your property is characterised by shallow rocks in the earth.

Gabion retaining walls

Also referred to as boulder and cut stone retaining walls, these structures are some of the heaviest varieties that you can consider for your property. A major reason contributing to the popularity of gabion retaining walls is how they take advantage of gravity. Hence, the finished structure offers unparalleled stability and robust strength. Although not as affordable as their concrete sleeper counterparts are, the boulder retaining walls make up for this slight increase in cost by providing your property with unsurpassed longevity.

Thus, you do not have to be concerned about these structures failing prematurely. Furthermore, when constructed with aesthetic value in mind, the gabion walls can add visual interest to one's yard. The main disadvantage of boulder retaining walls is that they need a considerable amount of space, both in terms of width and depth, due to their incredible mass or they will be unstable.
