Unit Developement Tips

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Once you create a subdivision, you have to deal with the daunting process of developing the individual units. Many developers are often in a dilemma over which developments yield the most profit. The excerpt below discusses some unit development tips that can improve the marketability and profitability of your venture. 

Understand The Market

Rather than gamble with your investment, conduct a market survey to know the type of developments that are in demand in the area. Ideally, this survey should be conducted by an experienced land development consultant. Use the professional's report to decide what you should put up on the land. Remember to check planning laws and the building code. It will help you prevent future liabilities. 

Choosing A Contractor

The contractor is a critical component of your unit development project. You will need to consider the following when hiring the contractor: 

  • Does the contractor have the resources required to complete the project? Assess their portfolio, finances and equipment to determine their expertise.
  • The contractor should have reasonable terms of engagement. For example, they should give guarantees on how long they will take to complete the project.
  • What services will the contractor provide? Consider professionals who offer a wide range of services. Remember, you could have a difficult time managing lots of contractors at your site.
  • Your contractor must have adequate insurance. A valid licence is a must-have.
  • You should also assess the contractor's suitability for your project. An ideal contractor will offer consultation services to ease the construction process. For example, they could show you how to cut construction costs. 

Assess Your Financing Options

Your contractor should send a quote detailing how much you need to complete the project. You do not have to panic if the costs are too high. Many banks will readily finance unit development projects. Alternatively, you could establish partnerships with development companies or sell some of the property off the plan. 

Construction Management

Below are some construction management tips to observe as you build the units: 

  • Hire a certifier or building surveyor to inspect the contractor's work. It is a sure way to maintain checks and balances and ensure the contractor follows the building code.
  • Ask the contractor to observe safety at the site. For instance, they should have a traffic management plan to prevent site accidents. Additionally, all plant equipment should be in excellent condition.
  • Avoid shortcuts at all costs. For instance, do not force the contractor to cut corners when he or she does not meet the deadlines. 

When developing your subdivision, understand the market, work with an experienced contractor, assess your financing options and observe the recommended construction management tips. 

To get the unit development started, contact a local contractor.
